Located in Rock Falls, Wis, the Rock Creek Township Fire Department is the first department to switch to SoyFoam™ TF 1122 in Wisconsin. Photo credit: Rock Creek Township Wis. Fire Department
Rock Creek Township Fire Department Fire Chief Jason Wiley shares that SoyFoam™ TF 1122 worked well when the Rock Falls Wis. department responded to a building fire with multiple cars stored inside. The Rock Creek crew arrived to face a fully involved structure fire. They applied SoyFoam™ with a combination nozzle during the overhaul stage at 1 percent solution. Results were as good or better than their previous product—while benefiting from no PFAS or fluorines!
The volunteer fire department is located about 10 miles from the Chippewa Valley Technical College -Fire Safety Center where SoyFoam™ has completed extensive testing in the state-of-the-art facility. Chief Wiley trusts the CVTC team as well as Dave Garlie, a SoyFoam™ chemist for parent company Cross Plains Solutions. Garlie helped develop the breakthrough technology for firefighting and now gets to see it protect firefighters in his home community as well as across the nation.
SoyFoam™ TF 1122 performed as well or better than traditional PFAS-containing foams when the Rock Creek Township Fire Department responded to building fire at a multi-car garage. Photo credit: Rock Creek Township Wis. Fire Department
Cross Plains Solutions has partnered with the United Soybean Board for the research and promotion of SoyFoam™ TF-1122, which is currently made from soy flour. The Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board is supporting a project testing the use of soybean meal.