Chris Case, a volunteer bugler in Michigan, makes biobased Bite Blocker part of his ceremony preparation.

In a state that jokingly refers to the mosquito as the “state bird,” Michigan residents take their bug spray very seriously. But Chris Case, retired facilities manager for Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, who has had years of experience with other biobased products used in the shop, didn’t hesitate to try Xtreme Sportsman Bite Blocker. The bug spray contains soy as one of its ingredients.

One of Case’s retirement activities is to serve as the bugler with his local American Legion Post. Starting in the spring, he sometimes performs two or three funeral ceremonies a week.

“Obviously bugs are all too eager to invade groups of people who stand motionless for long periods of time,” Case said. “It is unbelievably annoying to try to maintain stoic composure when you are the main course for the local mosquitos and their friends.”

Case began keeping Bite Blocker on hand in his trumpet case, and included a once-over spray as part of his ceremony preparation.  He found that it worked as well as any traditional bug spray he had used.

“I take great pride in our honoring our veterans, and I have to say it is satisfying to do that while foiling meal plans for our enthusiastic bug population!”

Bite Blocker is made by HOMS, LLC, a California-based company that specializes “in the development of authentic and nature-based solutions applied to nature’s pests.” HOMS’ primary goal is to replace the potentially harmful synthetic formulations that are negatively impacting human health and the environment, according to the company’s website.

That message resonated with Case’s niece and her friends, who he says are fans of natural foods and products. They found it challenging to find a mosquito repellent that doesn’t contain ingredients of concern.

“At an outdoor graduation party in June with Heather and her friends, they were so excited to try the Bite Blocker as the evening bug invasion began,” he said. “Heather commented on liking the smell and she and her friends were pleased with the level of protection the product provided.”

Bite Blocker is available at retailers like Wal-Mart and online.

To learn more about Bite Blocker, visit

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